In The Press Meet NicolePerrault Bold Journey + Russell Westbrook’s Label Honor theGift Has Officially Arrived in LA VOGUE + Interior Design &Architecture Unified DELUXE VERSION MAGAZINE + Influential Womenof Design Luxe Interiors + Design + Panorama from HausOf Design DELUXE VERSION MAGAZINE + Transforming Spaceswith Haus of Design DELUXE VERSION MAGAZINE + The Power of PositiveDesign NOBLEMAN MAGAZINE + Here’s a first look at Social HuntingtonBeach, which opens today ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER + Meet Nicole Perrault of Hausof Design HOD in Costa Mesa VOYAGELA + Design in the Desert | Designingthe Coachella Valley CONVO BY DESIGN PODCAST + Haus of Design x DesignBiz Survival Guide DESIGN BIZ SURVIVAL GUIDE PODCAST + Inspiring Conversationswith Nicole Perrault NASHVILLE VOYAGER + Haus of Design: New InteriorDesign Firm to Fall For LOS ANGELES HOMES + Stay inspiredFollow us on Instagram for latest projects and inspiration.